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Sunday School

Sunday School takes place on Sunday mornings during the 10.30 a.m. service.

Children follow the Teacher out of church during the last verse of the first hymn and are brought back to join their parents/family members in time to take communion with them. The class is held in the Parish Hall.

It is our aim to bring the Bible stories and simple aspects of worship, such as prayer and singing, to the children in age appropriate inter-active ways and activities that are interesting, joyful and fun.

We have several pairs of teachers who are scheduled in rotation, but we always need more! Orientation will be provided. If you are interested in helping, please contact me through the church office.

Chair of the Sunday School Committee


At St. Mary’s our Christian formation for our younger members is to teach them about scripture, unpacking for them the teachings of God as revealed through his written word to us. As our youth engage on this journey, we believe it is important for them to be challenged to live into the Word of God, and not just know it. To that end, our parish from time to time takes on additional activities, that allow the kids to live out a Christian calling of service and compassion.  If you would like to help our youth in their work or have an idea yourself of how our youth could partner with others in this component of their faith, please connect with our Sunday School Team as you are able.