E-Transfers are another way to make your tithe or financial gifts to St. Mary’s. E-Transfer donations does not cost the church any money to process or receive. These types of donations will be receipted at year-end and recorded in detail on your annual St. Mary’s Tax Receipt. This is different than our other on-line “Canada-Helps” donation program, which handles Credit-Card donations. That donation program generates a receipt immediately at the moment of donation.
- To make an E-Transfer donation, please use your banking app or website to do so.
- Donations are able to be received at; e-transfer@saintmarysanglican.ca
- Our bank/e-transfer system has been setup with a secure auto-deposit system in place.
If you have questions about this program, or would like additional assistance in processing your donation, please feel free to contact the church office @ (905) 884-2227 or email Maggie Veltheer our parish treasurer at; maggie@rveltheer.com.