In our Anglican services we stand a lot and sit a lot. If you’d like to add a bit of walking around in a white robe and a beautiful silver cross, then we have just the role for you. At the 10:30am Sunday communion service we process with the large brass (or wooden) crucifix and tall candle staffs at the beginning of the service, then return with them down the aisle at the end of the service, sitting in the chairs and benches near the altar during the service. We help with communion and learn about the items used in it. If the priest decides to process the Gospel, i.e. read it in the middle of the aisle rather than at the lectern, then we lead the procession with the crucifix and candles.
Please approach the minister or me about this teamwork if interested. Also, for those of you in high school, your time spent serving (2hr per Sunday) counts towards your required community service hours.
There is no lower or upper age limit to being a server. The main requirement is that you are able to hold the long candle staffs and crucifix vertically throughout the procession – – the heavier (brass) crucifix requires a bit more effort than the other items. As you gain experience on the team, you may be trained as altar server, assisting the priest with the preparation of the communion wine and wafer set-up prior to distribution to the congregation and its removal from the altar afterwards.
Robes, belts and crosses are provided and kept at the church for sharing among the team.
We’d love to have you join us on this interesting and important team.