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Merchant Card Program

The Merchant Card Program seeks to generate revenue for our Outreach programs and is a convenient means for St. Mary’s to obtain grocery cards for those in need.

It is also a convenient way for you to pay for goods you would buy anyway. You receive full value for your Merchant Card purchases, e.g., a $250 gas card costs you $250 and buys you $250 worth of gas. A wide variety of Merchant Cards is available: for gas, groceries, books, clothing, gifts, building supplies, restaurants, and more. The choices are enumerated on the forms.

We purchase cards at a small discount. This discount is what helps support Outreach programs.

Downloadable Order forms are available here:

Order Form (pdf)
Merchant Card List (pdf)

Completed order forms, along with payment can be brought to the church office during office hours (Tuesdays – Thursdays 10:30am – 3:30pm). Or, left in a sealed envelope in the mail slot labeled Roz – office in the mailing area.

Payment can be made by cheque to St. Mary’s Anglican Church.

The deadline for orders is December 8, 2024. Delivery date will be the week of December. 15th.

Please consider supporting Outreach by utilizing this program.


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