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St. Mary’s Wardens Portfolios

Property, Finance & Administration:
Colin Webb – Rector’s Warden

Property Team, Church Complex and Buildings, Counters, Communication Committee,
Envelope Secretaries, Stewardship Planning, Treasurer, Heritage Trust, Insurance, etc.

Liturgical & Spiritual Care:
Sharon Hanns – People’s Warden

Screening, Choir, Altar Guild, Organist, Service Schedule, Greeters,
Sides people, Anointers, Intercessors, Readers, Servers, Sub-Deacons,
Servicing of Musical Instruments, Pastoral Care Team, etc.

Staff, Groups & Programs:
James Agyeman – Deputy People’s Warden

Staff Responsibility, Outreach, Coffee Hour, Green Team, ACW,
Parish Lunch, Bazaar, Church Dinners, Sunday School,
Youth Programs & Family Ministry, Bible Studies, Christian Ed., etc.

Property & Tenants:
Margaret Balassarre – Deputy Rector’s Warden

Tenants, Building Scheduling, Church Complex & Buildings, Rectory,
Gardening Group, The Land Use Committee, Archives Committee, Property Team, etc.


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