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Advent Christmas Services 2024

Candlelight Advent Services: 
Wednesday, December 4th & 11th at 7:00pm

Lessons and Carols with Communion: 
Sunday, December 22nd at 10:30am

Christmas Eve Services: 
Tuesday, December 24th 4:00pm & 8:00pm

Christmas Day Service: 
Wednesday, December 25th 10:00am

8 AM Services

Our early service at St. Mary’s occurs every Sunday at 8 am in the Main Church.  This Service is of a quiet and contemplative style, which lasts approximately 50 minutes. This Service of Holy Communion uses the liturgy and service rite from the Book of Common Prayer.  Our 8 am service is a “said service,” which means that there are no hymns or music in this time of worship.  All ages are welcome at this service, but no formal children’s programming is offered.

10:30 AM Service

St. Mary’s main Sunday Service occurs at 10:30 AM in the Main Church.  Every Sunday we gather to celebrate our Traditional Holy Communion Service, using the liturgy from the modern language Book of Alternative Services.  All ages are welcome at this service, and during the school year, children’s programming is available every Sunday.

At our 10:30 AM service, St. Mary’s has a rich and vibrant music program.  We use both our Pipe Organ, located in the Organ Loft and our Grand Piano, positioned at the front of the Church for our service music.  St. Mary’s Choir is present at all 10:30 AM service, except during the summer.  We invite you to check out our music section to find out more details about our music programming at St. Mary’s.

Our 10:30 AM service follows a traditional format lasting about an hour and 15 minutes.  After our opening prayers our children join the clergy upfront for a brief “Kid’s Talk”, before they depart to the parish hall for Sunday School.  During the scripture readings, sermon and prayers, our youth do a variety of programs that teach and guide them in the bible themes of the day.  During our Offertory Hymn and Communion Prayer, the young people find their way back into the Main Church, to join their families in time for communion.

After the 10:30 AM service every Sunday, there is a coffee hour in our main parish hall, known as “Wrixon Hall“.  All are welcome to come and join us for some food and fellowship as you are able.  We hope to see you there!


During the summer months, St. Mary’s adapts it’s worship schedule to the different patterns of life that emerge in this special season.  On the last Sunday of June, after Sunday School concludes for the summer, we move our 10:30 AM service to 9:30 AM.  During the summer months we still have children’s materials available for any young people who join us on Sundays, in the form of our activity area or our colouring bags.  However, as early indicated, please note that no formal programming is provided in the summer months.



St. Mary’s is a parish that is rooted in the sacramental healing traditions of the Church.  We have a variety of prayer and support groups to support parishioners, in addition to our formal anointing ministry.  On the 1st Sunday of every month of the school year, St. Mary’s offers the sacrament of anointing during both our 8 & 10:30 AM services.  Those desiring prayers of healing and anointing with Holy Oil, are asked to come forward to the front of the church during communion.  Our licensed Anointers will be stationed at the front to offer this sacrament to any and all who so desire.


Throughout the year at St. Mary’s, we may augment our traditional 10:30 AM worship with a number of special additions to enhance the life of worship at our church.  On 4 Sundays a year, St. Mary’s offers Sung Choral Mattins from The Book of Common Prayer.  This service, also known as Morning Prayerwas the main for of worship for generation in our faith tradition.  It is a service without communion and consists of communal prayers that are sung, in addition to the traditional prayer routine of a standard Sunday Service.  Morning Prayer may occur on the 4th Sundays of September, November, February and May at our 10:30 AM service.


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