Lent 40 Days 40 Items

As we journey through Lent this year, the Outreach & Social Justice Committee invites you to think about those in our community who are in need and participate in donations of items suitable for our Blessings Box. This pantry box continues to be well used and as its name suggests, a blessing.

Items to consider are: toothpaste, small size hand sanitizer, tea lights (candles), socks, canned meat/fish, tea, small instant coffee, hot chocolate mix (individual pkgs), instant oatmeal, small peanut butter, granola bars, instant noodle bowls, instant soup, individual wrapped crackers, Habitant soup, canned pasta, individual applesauce/puddings/fruitcups.

Please bring your donations, as you are able, to the church and place in the cloakroom.  


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